Sunday, February 3, 2013


I couldn't get this image out of my head after seeing this film.

Oil on BFK RAG, 18x24 in

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Billy of the Hill

I was painting at the best Starbucks ever located in Capitola Ca. And I had this guy that kept watching over my shoulder, he introduced him self as Billy- Hillbilly.
 He asked about the pricing of a painting for him and his pooch, so I made him a really good deal, and made the painting on drilled plywood so he could attach it to his trailer.

 I couldn't be there to deliver the painting (life some times has a habit of getting in the way).
 But I was told that he was very elated over the painting and a few of the regular customers were pretty excited over the piece as well.

All in all I do think it was well worth it to make a guy and his pooch happy! Not to mention bringing together a few peeps at the local Starbucks.